Joy is a really cuddlebear. The whole time she like to sit on our knees and like to cuddle and purr.
That's the way we falled in love with. But that's also a problem:( Because she is very dominant to the other cats, especially to our neuters. In this way we neutered her. Since this time she felt very stressed with our young cats:( It was really hard for us, but the best for Joy, so we found a new home for her. Their she is the queen in the family and can stay the whole time on the knees of her new owner and there are no other younger cats around. She isn't living so far from us, so from time to time we can visit her.
Birthday 03. july 1998
Father EC/IP Icecat's Kalle Blomqvist
Mother IC Guns 'N' Roses von Aminius
Colour black-tortie-white (NFO-f-09)
Litters M-Litter + O-Litter
Joy von Aminius