date of birth: 31.03.2019

Father: Toonscat's Usher - black silver tabby harlekin green eyes (NFO ns 02 21 64)
Mother: Peppermint Patty von Aminius  - black-silver-tortie-tabby-mc-white (NFO-fs-09-23)

 Luna Lovegood von Aminius (black silver tabby mc white) - stays in cattery
Ginny Weasley von Aminius (blue tortie tabby mc white) - live together with Peppermint Patty
Hermine Granger von Aminius (black silver tortie tabby harlekin green eyes) - sold
Harry Potter von Aminius (black smoke harlekin green eyes) - live together with Cinna
Sirius Black von Aminius (black smoke bicolour) - live together with Sephora